Saturday, February 19, 2005

==Seminar on Microkernel Development Basics==

I took a seminar on Microkernel Development Basics in the GLUGOT,Glug-Madurai meeting. I was talking about Paging, booting process, GDT, etc. There were many guyz from KLN, from our college and one guy was from NITT, also there was a member of glug-madurai who is working in southern railways. I prepared a presentation on the topic (using OpenOffice). Had a nice time giving a talk. Arpit is one of the guy from ECE who attended this meeting, he was the first on to shoot questions to me. He asked about enabling the A-20 pin. I explained him, and Joe Steeve gave an insight about this address pin. And there were many questions on GDT, segmentation and Multiboot kernel. Hey have a look at: NOTE: GLUGOT - GNU/Linux User Group Of TCE GLUG-Madurai - GNU/Linux User Groups Madurai


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